Course curriculum

    1. Welcome message

    1. 10 min video - Identify the difference between Technical and Adaptive Tension as a Leader to Succeed

    2. Slides to accompany video

    3. Tension as a Gateway: Additional reading and resources

    4. Extra Podcast Resource: What is a Self Transforming Organization?

    1. Case studies introduction

    2. From Bandaids to Structural and Systems Change that Sticks

    3. From a Split in the Organization to a Multiple Million Dollar Deal

    4. From Leadership Burnout to Mission Aligned Self Managing Teams

    5. From Internal Competition to Leveraging Tension for Team Success

    6. From Diversity that Contracts to Diversity that Expands

    7. Case Study Cheat Sheet - The Process of Activating Tension as a Gateway

    8. Your Challenge

    1. Congrats here's what's next

    2. 15 minute consultation

    3. Leadership Questionnaire

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Discover tension as a tool for a thriving organization