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The journey

  • Cutting Edge Principles of Guiding Change

    Learn from the breadth and depth of Open Circle's experience and unique methodology of Guiding Change. A unique blend of western psychology and neuroscience, transformational education, wisdom traditions and evolutionary studies.

  • Coaching with founders of Open Circle

    Small group coaching methods to identify your current challenges and growth opportunities through guided exercises and experimentation.

  • Practical application to your environment

    Wherever you are guiding change, this course will focus you n how the principles of Guiding Change apply to you and your context.

Introduction to Guiding Change

Foundations of Transformational Leadership

Change is inevitable in any professional setting, yet guiding others through it is one of the most critical and difficult tasks leaders face. 

Whether managing organizational shifts, driving team growth, or supporting individual transitions, the ability to lead through change is essential for career advancement and professional success.

This four-part introductory course is specifically designed to equip professionals with practical tools and insights to navigate change with confidence. 

You will learn how to overcome common obstacles such as fear of the unknown, resistance to change, and lack of clarity in transitions, all while applying these strategies directly to your own work environment.

Why this Course is Valuable:

  • Leadership Growth: Develop the skills to guide teams and individuals through complex transitions, enhancing your leadership effectiveness.

  • Change Management Expertise: Gain a deeper understanding of the psychological and emotional factors that impact change, making you a more strategic change leader.

  • Practical Tools for Real-World Application: Learn and apply frameworks that you can immediately use in your organization to facilitate smoother, more productive change processes.

  • Peer and Expert Insights: Collaborate with peers and receive feedback from experienced facilitators on how to apply the concepts to your specific professional challenges.

Session Overview:

1. Session One (Dec 3): Overview of Guiding Change  

   Understand the principles of horizontal and vertical change and how to apply them to drive professional growth and organizational transformation.

2. Session Two (Dec 4): Assumptions, Fears, and Resistances  

   Identify and address the root causes of resistance in teams and individuals, empowering you to lead with greater impact.

3. Session Three (Dec 10): Transitions and Structuring the Process  

   Learn how to design and implement structured change processes that minimize confusion and maximize effectiveness in professional settings.

4. Session Four (Dec 11): Case Studies: Applying the Tools  

   Apply your new skills to a real-world change scenario from your professional environment, receiving valuable feedback and insights from both peers and facilitators.

Program Highlights:

  • Strength Assessment: Identify your strengths and areas for growth as a guide.

  • Transformational Spaces: Learn to cultivate environments that nurture individual and group transformation.

  • Program Design: Utilize Open Circle’s models to design nature-based, change-driven programs.

  • Feedback Integration: Embrace collective wisdom in your planning and facilitation processes.

  • Inclusive Collaboration: Lead transformational work across diverse perspectives and cultural contexts.

This course is the ideal starting point for professionals looking to strengthen their leadership capacity. You may also use this course to prepare for the Guiding Change Intensive, where you’ll apply advanced techniques to your own case study. 

Program Timeline

Online resources and material

Launch November 22

Online Group Coaching Sessions

December 3, 4, 10, and 11  

9:00 am – 10:30 am Pacific Time  


Cost: $95

Register now for Guiding Change

This Program is for anyone interested to guiding change who wants to learn....

  • Innovative Transformation Techniques

    Hone skills and integrate cutting edge techniques to support impactful change in the workplace, communities and in people's lives.

  • Effective Group Cultivation

    Master principles of safety, feedback, and collective wisdom to create and nurture transformative environments for your clients or team members.

  • Enhanced Guiding Skills

    Gain hands-on experience in guiding principles and practices, tailored to your specific role, to improve your effectiveness in supporting individual and group development.

  • Practical Application

    Utilize tools such as change cycle maps, open circles, and somatic practices to address real-life challenges and support meaningful change in various contexts.

Online Course Curriculum Overview

  1. Introduction to Guiding Change

  2. Assessing the change process: Horizontal versus Vertical Change

  3. Navigating assumptions, fears and resistances

  4. Transitions: leading an adaptive process and plan

  5. Case Studies: Applying the concepts and tools to your environment

At a glance...

  • Comprehensive online curriculum incl. videos, podcasts, books and lessons
  • 6 day practicum with Open Circle Founders on the beautiful wild Feather River
  • Invaluable Tools and Skills for Immediate Application Within Your Work

What Do People Say About Working With Open Circle?

“As a leadership consultant and master coach with 30+ years of experience working all over the world and facilitating groups, teams, and circles, I had some trepidation about going into this training as a participant. Would the workshop challenge me? Would it hone my understanding of power relations in facilitation? Would I learn something about myself? Would I develop new and useful skills? Would it embody a truly experiential, dialogical, improvisational and exploratory ethos? Would I find the workshop leaders mature, stimulating and inspiring? The answer to each of these questions was a resounding 'YES!' Miriam and Adam held the space and danced between their different roles with clarity and grace. I found them to be honest, kind, insightful leaders who brought finesse and depth to each moment of the work. I look forward to continuing the journey together.”

Sara 'Zora' Boas, MCC, MA, RDMP, Founding Director, Boas Partners

“I would recommend Open Circle's training because one can learn a creative way of providing a space with care to enter a dialogue that connects participants/trainers in personal ways of finding human commonalities that form conscious ways of challenging beliefs.”

Carolynne Abdullah, Racial Equity and Inclusion Consultant

“Going into this trip, I was hoping for a life-changing experience, but I didn't know the depths of that change and what would be required to elicit it. The guides "lead without leading" and steered me up the mountain. In only 6 days, I came out with a renewed belief in myself and my capabilities. This trip definitely changed my life, and I am now putting in the work to ensure others receive value from the work that was done up there. ”

Antonio DeAscanis, Founder and CEO BlkOps Fitness

“The highly skilled team members at Open Circle have a range of listening and facilitation skills that span from formal to informal, inviting to challenging, easy to highly advanced. They are clearly on a mission to humanize the workplace.”

Don Lubach, UC Santa Barbara Ombudsman

“This in-person nature experience for leaders and facilitators led us to a collective environment where we were challenged to grow in ways I thought were not possible. It was an amazing experience. I describe their work as both mystical and practical, simultaneously and at once both beyond this world and functional preparation for navigating and being in it!”

Mark Funkhouser, Consultant – Coach – Trainer – Facilitator

Register now for Guiding Change

Meet Your Guides

Adam Rumack

Open Circle Co-Founder and CEO

Adam brings a wealth of experience in driving organizational and individual transformation across diverse sectors, including corporations, large-scale non-profits, and the education and criminal justice systems. His profound passion for the outdoors serves as a catalyst, offering insights into the interconnectedness of humanity and the wild, shaping his approach to human-driven systems. In his pursuit of knowledge, Adam has delved into various disciplines, studying under spiritual and religious mentors and exploring the intricacies of economics, human behavior, and performance sciences. A practitioner of holistic stewardship, Adam applies his insights on his land in Coastal Oregon, USA, where he also oversees a nature-based preschool. His multifaceted background uniquely positions him to bridge the realms of organizational transformation, ecological mindfulness, and holistic education.

Miriam Jones

Open Circle Co-Founder and COO

Miriam is an experienced entrepreneur and thought leader in the area of transformational education, cultural change, and leadership. She has founded and led several successful organizations, from not-for-profits to corporations and co-operatives. After developing an interest in business, culture and education, Miriam began designing and delivering leadership programs and cultural change efforts for organizations across the globe. In search of new perspectives for her organizational work amid rapid global change, Miriam turned her focus to learning forms influenced by indigenous nature-based cultures and societies including circle listening and healing practices, circle governance, rite of passage, and nature-based rituals. Embracing these, she gained an ecological understanding of human systems. Drawing inspiration from nature's systems, she now guides leaders and organizations beyond office walls, helping them discover answers within their organizational frameworks.

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