Course curriculum

    1. How to access your resources

    1. November 2023 Book Recommendation: Dangerous Love by Chad Ford

    2. October Book Recommendation: The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter

    3. September 2023 Book recommendations - Endurance - choose your own adventure

    4. August Book Recommendation: Awe - The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it can Transform Your Life by Dacher Keltner

    5. July Book Recommendation: Tribe - One Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger

    6. June book recommendation: No more Feedback - Cultivate Consciousness at Work by Carol Sanford

    7. May 2023 Book recommendation: How to do nothing by Jenny Odell

    8. April book recommendation: Awakening the Soul: a deep response to a troubled world by Michale Meade

    9. March Book recommendation: The Heart Aroused : Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul Iin Corporate America

    10. February Book recommendation: Grit - the power of passion and perseverance by Angela Duckworth

    11. January Book Recommendation: Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray

    12. December Book Recommendation: Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

    13. November Book Recommendation: Ritual

    14. December 2023 Book Recommendation: Standing at the Edge where Fear and Courage Meet by Joan Halifax

    1. September 2023 Q and A: A discussion on Endurance

    2. August 2023 Q and A - Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life

    3. July 2023 Q and A - Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebatian Junger

    4. June 2023 Q and A: A discussion on No More Feedback by Carol Sanford

    5. May 2023 Q and A: A discussion on Doing Nothing - Resisting the Attention Economy

    6. April 2023 Q and A: A discussion on Awakening the Soul- a Deep response to a Troubled world

    7. March 2023 Q and A: A discussion on Heart Aroused - Poetry and Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America

    8. February 2023 Q and A - Grit - the power of passion and perseverance

    9. January 2023 Q and A - It is hard to hate someone close up: diversity in the wilderness

    10. December 2022 Q and A - Cycles and transitions: the cost of growing and the cost of not growing

    11. November 2022 Q and A: The Art of Collaboration

    12. We are part of a broader field - Future Ready podcast featuring Adam Rumack

    13. Nature as a Guide - An interview with Gordana Markovic

    14. The illusion of safety in division of self and other - an excerpt from Stage 2 training Turning Conflict into Creativity

    15. From basecamp to summit - mapping for change. (from a Beyond LIstening podcast with Miriam and Adam)

    16. All or Nothing - braving the space of learning together - October 2 2022

    17. Surfing the wave of possibility - the relationship between Identity and Emergence in facilitating groups October 1 2022

    18. Julie Diamond - who has the power?

    19. An interview with Tjanara Goreng Goreng

    1. An Introduction by Brandon Harding to Sebastian Junger's Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging

    2. Introduction to Getting to Know you - the art of listening

    3. Moments of learning- short conversation on Self Authorship and the Listening Circle - Miriam Jones and Marya Salman

    4. Black, White and Everything in Between - an unedited circle on identity and race

    5. Making Burnout your Elixir - An excerpt from WOC series Adapt or Die

    6. Truly moving from diversity - a short excerpt from an interview with India Martin and Eileen Cooper-Reed

    1. Article by Adam on WOC approach to technical and adpative change

    2. Market Research Qualitative Study by We are Open Circle

    3. Betsy Perluss - The wild imaginal world of storytelling

    4. Feedback in Living Systems

    5. The nine stages of increasing embrace in Ego Development (cooks-greater)

    6. The Art of Harvesting

    7. Liberating the Innovation Value of Communities of Practice

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  • 47 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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